Beermad mobile

by Tony Green



If you like to keep a record of the beers youve sampled, Beermad mobile provides an easy-to-use way to do it. : I built it because my friends and I wanted this sort of app so I thought I might as well let other people use it too.You can record as little or as much as you like about the beers youve sampled; at the most basic, all you need to do is record the brewery name and the beer name, but you can also record many different things about your beers, such as ABV, your personal rating, the colour, how it was dispensed, where you sampled it (pubs GPS locations can be remembered to automatically set the "where sampled" field) and many many more pieces of information.Please note this app does not come with a database of beers. Its up to you to add any beers and breweries you want to record.Explanation of permissions* Take pictures & videos. Needed as taking of photographs has been incorporated into the app rather than using your external camera app.* Read/write USB storage & access/write to SD card, test access to protected storage. Needed so that the database can be exported and imported from your SD card.* Location. This is used if you record where you sampled a beer. The app records the co-ordinates of pubs you set and automatically populates the "where sampled" field with the pub youre in if it finds it. If you dont like this, you can turn it off in the preferences and your GPS will not be touched.When you contact me using the "email developer" option, the app includes in the email details of the type of device you are using along with information about its screen resolution, as well as details of your apps saved settings. This is to help me diagnose any problem you may be reporting, as there are a huge number of configuration combinations and a bug you encounter may be unique to your setup.